Gran goes to Heaven

Gran goes to Heaven

A perfect way to introduce your child to the concept of loss and grief in a comforting and gentle manner. So read this book today with your child and start exploring the beauty of life and the power of memories!

grangoestoheaven Gran goes to Heaven

About Gran goes to Heaven

Five-year-old Adara, a cheerful girl from a close-knit Christian family, loves spending weekends with Gran, her grandmother, whom she loves dearly. One day, Gran becomes very ill and dies; leaving Adara confused and sad. Mom and Dad comfort Adara with lessons from the Bible and explain that death and loss are part of life and that Gran is now in Heaven with Jesus. Adara learns that although she can no longer see her beloved Gran, she will always remain in their hearts and memories.

Through Adara’s Journey, your child will learn Christian principles of love, family, and faith in helping us cope with difficult times.
“Gran Goes to Heaven” is the perfect way to introduce your child to the concept of loss and grief in a comforting and gentle manner. So read this book today with your child and start exploring the beauty of life and the power of memories!

14 Reviews ( 5 out of 5 )

Ken Wall

Great Book o. Grief

A beautiful written book to help family tto speak with their young children on the loss of a loved one.

Ken Wall

Great Book o. Grief

A beautiful written book to help family tto speak with their young children on the loss of a loved one.

Shamika A.

Every family needs to read this book!

Gran goes to heaven is a warming story about faith, family and the loving bond between a grandchild and their grandmother. I love how this book teaches the fundamentals of being a family rooted in faith and the joy and love that flows into your most important relationships because of it. This book beautifully and delicately addresses the difficult conversation around loss in a way your children will understand. Included are question prompts that encourage much needed dialogue and conversations as you read, without a doubt this book is a wonderful and necessary tool for any parent seeking to build fruitful and meaningful faith based relationships with their children.

Oby Nwankwo Otti

Highly recommend!

Gran goes to Heaven is a well written and very age appropriate book. It answers the right questions and also gives children the right amount of information t needed to deal with such a sensitive topic. In the same light, it gives parents the right tools to have the conversation with children (where relevant). I highly recommend!

Maureen Nwabudu

Gran goes to heaven

This is perfect way to include all family members young and old in the final moment of love ones. It made it easy for young mind to understand what grieving is about

Chinyere Eronini-Okoli

Nicely crafted.

A truly relatable story about love and loss. Thank you for teaching our young readers these concepts from a Christian standpoint.

David M

Gran goes to heaven

My little one had asked repeatedly about the whereabouts of her late granny. Although I tried explaining each time I could tell that the child’s curiosity was not quite satisfied. Then I stumbled into this book which put the home at rest once the kids got a hold of it - excellent and thoughtful piece. I highly recommend.

Tochukwu Nwazota

Gran Goes To Heaven

Nostalgic, reminded me of the comfort received when told years back that my own Gran ma is with her loved ones in heaven. A perfect comfort and teaching for children and parents.

Thomasine Erike

A Fantastic Resource

Truly enjoyed reading this book! I find it to be a valuable tool for explaining the delicate concepts of loss and/or grief to very young children. Parents and educators will be grateful for the way the story is written, with connections little children can relate to. The illustrations are also superb! The work the author put into getting the tone and sensitivity right, while getting through to the very young, is much appreciated.

Obichukwu Ifeyinwa Nwazota

Great book for children and families grieving the loss of a loved one.

The book is great for children and the entire grieving family. The book makes it easier for parents to explain the difficult subject of death and the passing of a loved one to their kids. Also, the illustrations are very great and helps children follow through the story.

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